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In our blog posts you can read about different elements of the study and hear from our partners as they share their experiences of working on ACACIA.

Behind the Scenes: The Journey of a Research Manuscript from Idea to Publication

Author: Lindsay Zurba (ACACIA collaborator, Director of Education for Health Africa)




Have you ever wondered what it takes for researchers to get their work published? The process of getting a manuscript published in a scientific journal involves several steps that are often unseen by the public. In this blog, we invite you to take a peek behind the scenes and discover what researchers go through to share their findings with the world.


Step 1: Research and Discovery

It all starts with an idea. Researchers spend countless hours conducting experiments, collecting data, and analysing results to uncover new knowledge and insights. This is the foundation of their project and the final manuscript.


Step 2: Data Collection

Before researchers can analyze their data, they must collect it through various methods such as surveys, experiments, or observations. This involves designing protocols, recruiting participants, and ensuring data integrity.


Step 3: Data Cleaning

Once the data is collected, researchers embark on the crucial task of cleaning and organizing it. They meticulously review the data, check for errors or inconsistencies, and make necessary corrections. This process ensures that the data is reliable and ready for analysis.


Step 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

With clean and organized data in hand, researchers employ statistical techniques and specialized software to analyse the information. They examine patterns, trends, and relationships within the data, drawing meaningful insights and drawing conclusions based on their research objectives.


Step 5: Results Integration and Discussion

Researchers combine their data analysis results with existing knowledge in their field, often drawing on evidence from other settings around the world. They interpret the findings in the context of previous studies, theories, or models, providing a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. They discuss the implications of their results, highlighting the significance and potential applications of their work.


Step 6: Crafting the Manuscript

Researchers carefully organize their findings and craft a manuscript that follows a specific structure. They write an introduction to set the context, describe the methods used, present the results, and discuss the implications of their work, usually finishing with a set of conclusions. This requires attention to detail and clear communication. Once the manuscript is written, they add an abstract, which gives a short summary of the study allowing readers to quickly get a feel for its findings.


Step 7: Choosing the Right Journal

Researchers evaluate various scientific journals and select one that aligns with their research topic. They consider the journal's scope, audience, and reputation to ensure their work reaches the right audience and receives the recognition it deserves.


Step 8: Submitting the Manuscript

Once the manuscript is ready, researchers submit it to the chosen journal. This involves following specific guidelines, formatting the document, and providing additional materials like ethics approvals or data availability statements.


Step 9: Peer Review Process

After submission, the manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review process. If the manuscript is seen to be sufficiently novel, robust, and important, experts in the field are invited by the journal to critically assess the work for its quality, validity, and significance. They provide valuable feedback and recommendations for improvement. Many manuscripts are rejected at this stage as they don’t meet the required standards.


Step 10: Revisions and Improvements

For those that aren’t rejected, researchers carefully address the reviewers' comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. They may need to reanalyse data, rewrite sections, or clarify certain points. This iterative process ensures the manuscript meets the highest scientific standards.


Step 11: Acceptance and Publication

If the revised manuscript successfully addresses the reviewers' concerns, it is accepted for publication. The researchers may need to sign a copyright agreement, and the journal proceeds with the publication process. This includes typesetting, proofreading, and preparing the manuscript for online or print publication.



The journey of a research manuscript from idea to publication is a complex and meticulous process. Researchers invest their time and expertise to ensure their work meets the rigorous standards of the scientific community. The next time you read a research article, remember the effort and dedication that went into its publication. Researchers play a crucial role in advancing knowledge and shaping our understanding of the world.